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H2020 Energy Event: Enhancing French-Polish collaboration

H2020 Energy Event: Enhancing French-Polish collaboration

Instytut Francuski w Polsce we współpracy z Wydziałem Mechanicznym Energetyki i Lotnictwa Politechniki WarszawskiejCentrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej (CZIiTT) oraz KPK (Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych Unii Europejskiej) organizuje dzień informacyjny poświęcony projektom H2020 w dziedzinie energii odnawialnej. W tym wydarzeniu wezmą udział francuscy i polscy naukowcy, którzy w przeszłości uzyskali fundusze europejskie na swój projekt badawczy.

Kiedy: 20 grudnia (czwartek) od 11:30 do 16:00 Gdzie: CZIiTT, Rektorska 4, 00-614 Warszawa

Rejestracja: obowiązkowa (link) To wydarzenie jest przeznaczony dla studentów, doktorantów, naukowców i przedsiębiorców.

Program wydarzenia:  

11:30 Welcoming coffee
12:00 Openng words

Presentation of activities of the Institute of Heat Engineering Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering/ Warsaw University of Technology - WUT

  • Research studies  and courses on renewable energy - DSc. Dr hab. eng. Dorota Chwieduk Prof. WUT - Deputy Director of the Institute of Heat Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology.
  • Research studies  and courses on power engineering - DSc. Dr hab. eng. Wojciech Bujalski Prof. WUT - Deputy Director of the Institute of Heat Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology.

 Presentation of the tools proposed by the French embassy for the bilateral cooperation in science Dr. HDR Christophe Paoli – Attaché for science and academic cooperation at the French embassy of Poland.

13:00 Problematic of the integration of intermittent renewable energy systems into a micro-grid (islands): problems, situation and solutions + illustration with the H2020 project Tilos

 Dr. HDR Gilles Notton – University of Corsica:
 Gilles will make a short presentation of his University, research team with a zoom on R&D platforms. He will present the problem of integration of intermittent renewable sources in small electrical grid (islands for example) and will finish with a presentation of the H2020 project Tilos, on the same subject: energy autonomous island with smart grid, renewable sources and battery storage.

Dr. Cyril Voyant – University of La Reunion:
 Cyril is an expert in machine learning and stochastic modelling tools for global radiation estimation and prediction. He will present his research activities in the framework of the PIMENT (Physics and Mathematical Engineering laboratory for Energy, Environment and Building) laboratory – University of La Réunion.

14:00 Coffee break
14:30 Collaboration between FR and PL in H2020 under Widening package. Financing of innovation in the Energy field in Horizon 2020
  Ms. Walczyk-Matuszyk –Deputy Director, NCP Poland The project aims to establish a new research Center of Excellence devoted to the fundamental study and practical implementation of self-organizing networks of chemical and biochemical sensors capable of sensing of environmental hazards and other parameters defining the status of natural resources (forests, agricultural crops, aquatic ecosystems)  NOMATEN // NCBJ The NOMATEN Centre of Excellence vision is to create in Poland a new research organization in which international world-class research teams will design, develop and assess innovative multifunctional materials – materials combining advanced structural and functional properties – for industrial and medical applications
15:00 TEAMING Program
 The project aims to establish a new research Center of Excellence devoted to the fundamental study and practical implementation of self-organizing networks of chemical and biochemical sensors capable of sensing of environmental hazards and other parameters defining the status of natural resources (forests, agricultural crops, aquatic ecosystems)
 The NOMATEN Centre of Excellence vision is to create in Poland a new research organization in which international world-class research teams will design, develop and assess innovative multifunctional materials – materials combining advanced structural and functional properties – for industrial and medical applications
16:00 Lunch