ITC / Pracownicy / Badawczo - dydaktyczni / Milewski Jarosław / Publikacje


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Najciekawsze (wg mnie) prace:

Mathematical model of SOFC for complex fuel compositions

Comparative analysis of time constants in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell processes–selection of key processes for modeling power systems

Combined heat and power unit based on polymeric electrolyte membrane fuel cell in a hotel application

Off-design Operation of Fuel Cell – Gas Turbine Hybrid System

Książki i rozdziały w książkach

 [1]   J. Milewski, Fuel Cell Efficiency, hardcover Increasing the System Efficiency and Reducing CO2 Emissions by Installing a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell in a Power Plant. Nova Publishers, 2011.

 [2]   J. Milewski, K. Badyda, and A. Miller, Efficiency, Performance and Robustness of Gas Turbines, ch. Gas Turbines in Unconventional Applications, pp. 121–164. InTech Open Access Company, 2012.

 [3]   J. Milewski, K. Świrski, M. Santarelli, and P. Leone, Advanced Methods of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling, Springer-Verlag London Ltd., 1 ed., March 2011.

Prace badawcze

 [4]   J. Milewski, “The study of energy systems of solid oxide fuel cell,” rozprawa doktorska, Politechnika Warszawska, 2004.

 [5]   J. Milewski, “The study of energy systems of hydrogen fuelled steam turbine,” praca magisterska, Politechnika Warszawska, 2000.

Publikacje z listy filadelfijskiej

 [6]   K. Badyda, J. Kupecki, and J. Milewski, “Modelling of integrated gasification hybrid power systems,” Rynek Energii 88(3), pp. 74–79, 2010.

 [7]   K. Badyda, J. Kupecki, and J. Milewski, “Modelowanie hybrydowych układów energetycznych bazujących na procesie gazyfikacji węgla,” Rynek Energii 88, pp. 74–79, 2010.

 [8]   P. Biczel, A. Dmowski, J. Milewski, and A. Miller, “Warunki zewnętrzne pracy układów hybrydowych z ogniwem paliwowym,” Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 84(2), pp. 53–57, 2008. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [9]   K. Futyma, M. Wołowicz, J. Milewski, W. Bujalski, and J. Lewandowski, “Utilization of flue gas low temperature heat from the power unit,” Rynek Energii 96, pp. 74–79, 2011.

 [10]   J. Milewski, “A mathematical model of sofc: A proposal,” Fuel Cells 12(5), pp. 709–721, 2012.

 [11]   J. Milewski, K. Badyda, and A. Miller, “Modelling the influence of fuel composition on solid oxide fuel cell by using the advanced mathematical model,” Rynek Energii 88(3), pp. 159–163, 2010. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [12]   J. Milewski, K. Badyda, Z. Misztal, and M. Wołowicz, “Combined heat and power unit based on polymeric electrolyte membrane fuel cell in a hotel application,” Rynek Energii 90(5), pp. 118–123, 2010.

 [13]   J. Milewski, W. Bujalski, M. Wołowicz, and K. Futyma, “Zastosowanie węglanowego ogniwa paliwowego do separacji CO2 ze spalin,” Chemik 7, p. 506, 2012.

 [14]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Separating CO2 from flue gases using a molten carbonate fuel cell,” IERI Procedia 1, pp. 232–237, 2012.

 [15]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Modelowanie rozruchu ogniwa paliwowego typu sofc,” Rynek Energii 100(3), pp. 88–93, 2012.

 [16]   J. Milewski, J. Lewandowski, and A. Miller, “Reducing CO2 emissions from a coal fired power plant by using a molten carbonate fuel cell,” Chemical and Process Engineering 30(2), pp. 341–350, 2009. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [17]   J. Milewski, J. Lewandowski, and A. Miller, “Reducing CO2 emissions from a gas turbine power plant by using a molten carbonate fuel,” Chemical and Process Engineering 29(4), pp. 939–954, 2008. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [18]   J. Milewski and A. Miller, “Triple-layer based control strategy for molten carbonate fuel cell-hybrid system,” Chemical and Process Engineering 33(3), pp. 445–461, 2012.

 [19]   J. Milewski and A. Miller, “Off-design analysis of MCFC hybrid system,” Rynek Energii 98(1), pp. 151–160, 2012.

 [20]   J. Milewski and A. Miller, “Influences of the type and thickness of electrolyte on solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system performance,” Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology 3(4), pp. 396–402, 2006. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [21]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, and J. Sałacinski, “Off-design analysis of SOFC hybrid system,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32(6), pp. 687–698, 2007. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [22]   J. Milewski, J. Sałacinski, and K. Badyda, “Influence of the fuel utilization factor on the performance of solid oxide fuel cell hybrid systems,” Chemical and Process Engineering 27(1), pp. 237–254, 2006. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [23]   J. Milewski, . Szabłowski, and J. Kuta, “Control strategy for an Internal Combustion engine fuelled by Natural Gas operating in Distributed Generation,” Energy Procedia 1, pp. 1478–1483, 2012.

 [24]   J. Milewski, M. Wołowicz, K. Badyda, and Z. Misztal, “Operational characteristics of 36kw pemfc-chp unit,” Rynek Energii 92(1), pp. 150–156, 2011.

 [25]   J. Milewski, M. Wołowicz, K. Badyda, and I. Z., “Analiza zastosowania zrzutu spalin z turbiny gazowej do układu regeneracji siłowni parowej,” Rynek Energii 94, pp. 26–32, 2011.

 [26]   J. Milewski, M. Wołowicz, Łukasz Szabłowski, and K. Badyda, “Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell—a new approach to mathematical modeling [polimerowe ogniwo paliwowe—nowe podejście do modelowania],” Rynek Energii 98, pp. 136–144, 2012.

 [27]   J. Milewski, T. Świercz, K. Badyda, A. Miller, A. Dmowski, and P. Biczel, “The control strategy for a molten carbonate fuel cell hybrid system,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35(7), pp. 2997–3000, 2010. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [28]   J. Milewski and K. Świrski, “Modelling the SOFC behaviours by artificial neural network,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34(13), pp. 5546–5553, 2009. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

 [29]   u. Szabłowski, J. Milewski, J. Kuta, and K. Badyda, “Strategia sterowania silnika tłokowego zasilanego gazem ziemnym pracującego w systemie energetyki rozproszonej,” Rynek Energii 94, pp. 33–, 2011.

 [30]   Łukasz Szabłowski, J. Milewski, J. Kuta, and K. Badyda, “Strategia sterowania silnika tłokowego zasilanego gazem ziemnym pracującego w systemie energetyki roproszonej,” Rynek Energii 94, pp. –, 2010.

 [31]   K. Świrski and J. Milewski, “Optimization in electric power installation by neural networks,” Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 85(8), pp. 155–157, 2009. Indexed by Journal Citation Report.

Pozostałe publikacje

 [32]   K. Badyda, J. Lewandowski, A. Miller, and J. Milewski, “Analiza warunków pracy ostatnich stopni turbin ciepłowniczych klasy 30mw,” Termodynamika w nauce i gospodarce I, pp. 11–18, 2008.

 [33]   K. Badyda and J. Milewski, “Elektrownie CAES–możliwości akumulacji energii oraz współpracy ze źródłami odnawialnymi,” Instal 304, pp. 58–65, 2010.

 [34]   K. Badyda and J. Milewski, “Magazynowanie oraz produkcja energii szczytowej z wykorzystaniem układów CAES,” Energia 10, pp. 18–32, 2009.

 [35]   K. Badyda and J. Milewski, “Magazynowanie energii z wykorzystaniem układów CAES,” Współczesne problemy energetyki gazowej i gazownictwa , pp. 371–388, 2009.

 [36]   P. Biczel, A. Dmowski, J. Milewski, and A. Miller, “Sterowanie hybrydowymi układami wytwórczymi,” Archiwum Energetyki 38, pp. 7–15, 2008.

 [37]   W. Bujalski, J. Milewski, and A. Miller, “Analiza techniczno-ekonomiczna wybranych źródeł systemu energetyki rozproszonej,” Termodynamika w nauce i gospodarce I, pp. 122–131, 2008.

 [38]   W. Bujalski, J. Milewski, and A. Miller, “Rozproszona energetyka a ogniwa paliwowe,” Cieplne Maszyny Przepływowe – Turbomachinery 132, pp. ??–??, 2007.

 [39]   J. Kuta and J. Milewski, “Źródła energii elektrycznej przeznaczone do pracy w systemie energetyki rozproszonej,” Systems 14, pp. 149–157, 2010.

 [40]   J. Milewski, “The influence of fuel composition on solid oxide fuel cell obtained by using the advanced mathematical model,” Journal of Power Technologies 91(4), pp. 179–185, 2011.

 [41]   J. Milewski and K. Badyda, “Elektrownie CAES jako magazyny energii dla źródeł odnawialnych,” Czysta Enrgia 104, pp. 36–38, 2010.

 [42]   J. Milewski and K. Badyda, “Parametry pracy generatorów chłodu w układach trójgeneracji opartych o ogniwa paliwowe,” Współczesne problemy energetyki gazowej i gazownictwa , pp. 437–452, 2009.

 [43]   J. Milewski and K. Badyda, “Układy trigeneracyjne oparte na ogniwach paliwowych,” Termodynamika w nauce i gospodarce I, pp. 89–99, 2008.

 [44]   J. Milewski, K. Badyda, and A. Miller, “System and turbine parameters of organic rankine cycles,” Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej s. Konferencje 25, pp. 357–366, 2007.

 [45]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Comparative analysis of time constants in solid oxide fuel cell processes – selection of key processes for modeling power systems,” Journal of Power Technologies 91(1), pp. 1–5, 2011.

 [46]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Analysis of design and construction of solid oxide fuel cell in terms of their dynamic operation,” Archivum Combustionis 30, pp. 146–154, 2010.

 [47]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Cechy konstrukcyjne ogniw paliwowych SOFC instotne z punktu dynamiki ich pracy,” Cieplne Maszyny Przepływowe–Turbomachinery 138, pp. 91–98, 2010.

 [48]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Solid oxide fuel cell fuelled by biogases,” Archives of Thermodynamics 30(4), pp. 3–12, 2009.

 [49]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, A. Dmowski, and P. Biczel, “Methodology for the control strategy for a solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system,” Archives of Thermodynamics 30(4), pp. 25–44, 2009.

 [50]   J. Milewski, K. Świrski, M. Santarelli, and P. Leone, “Modelling of fuel composition influences on solid oxide fuel cell performance by artificial neural network,” Archives of Thermodynamics 30(4), pp. 13–24, 2009.

 [51]   A. Miller, J. Lewandowski, K. Badyda, S. Kiryk, and J. Milewski, “Hydrogen combustion turbine cycles,” Archives of Thermodynamics 24(3), pp. 17–30, 2003.

 [52]   A. Miller, J. Milewski, K. Badyda, and J. Lewandowski, “Analysis of operating conditions in the last stages of 30 MW class CHP turbines,” Zeszyty Naukowe, Cieplne Maszyny Przepływowe – Turbomachinery 133, pp. 237–244, 2008.

 [53]   A. Miller, J. Milewski, A. Dmowski, and P. Biczel, “External conditions for operation of fuel cell and turbine hybrid generation system,” Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 84(2), pp. 53–57, 2008.

 [54]   A. Miller, J. Milewski, and T. Swiercz, “Parametric study of sofc – gt hybrid system performances,” Zeszyty Naukowe, Cieplne Maszyny Przepływowe – Turbomachinery 133, pp. 245–254, 2008.

 [55]   . Nikonowicz and J. Milewski, “Virtual power plants—general review: structure, application and optimization,” Journal of Power Technologies 92(3), pp. 135–149, 2012.

 [56]   Łukasz Nikonowicz and J. Milewski, “Determination of electronic conductance of solid oxide fuel cells,” Journal of Power Technologies 91(2), pp. 82–92, 2011.

 [57]   Łukasz Szabłowski and J. Milewski, “Dynamic analysis of compressed air energy storage in the car,” Journal of Power Technologies 91(1), pp. 23–36, 2011.

Komunikaty konferencyjne (międzynarodowe)

 [58]   K. Badyda, W. Bujalski, and J. Milewski, “District heating, cogeneration and heat accumulation,” in Energy, Water, and Global Climate Change as a Regional Agenda of the Americas, PASI, 2010.

 [59]   K. Badyda, W. Bujalski, J. Milewski, and M. Warchoł, “Heat accumulator in large district heating systems – simulation and optimisation,” in ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, pp. GT2010–22032, 2010.

 [60]   W. Bujalski, K. Badyda, J. Milewski, and M. Warchol, “Utilization the heat accumulator in large heating system,” in Nanotechnology 2010: Bio Sensors, Instruments, Medical, Environment and Energy – Technical Proceedings of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2010, Nanotechnology 2010: Bio Sensors, Instruments, Medical, Environment and Energy - Technical Proceedings of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2010 3, pp. 813–816, 2010.

 [61]   W. Bujalski, K. Badyda, J. Milewski, and M. Warchol, “Utilization the heataccumulator in large heatingsystem,” in TechConnect World, (Paper nr 200), 2010.

 [62]   J. Milewski, “An alternative model of solid oxide fuel cell: A proposal,” in Fuel Cell Science and Technology – Elsevier, (P4), 2012.

 [63]   J. Milewski, “SOFC hybrid system optimization using an advanced model of fuel cell,” in Mechanical Engineering Annual Conference on Sustainable Research and Innovation, pp. 121–129, 2011.

 [64]   J. Milewski, “Sofc hybrid system optimization using an advanced model of fuel cell,” in Mechanical Engineering Annual Conference on Sustainable Research and Innovation, pp. 121–129, 2011.

 [65]   J. Milewski, “Simultaneously modelling the influence of thermal-flow and architecture parameters on solid oxide fuel cell voltage,” in Fuel Cell Science and Technology, A Grove Fuel Cell Event by Elsevier, 2010.

 [66]   J. Milewski, “Solid oxide fuel cell in the hybrid system – selection of size and configuration,” in TechConnect World, (Paper nr 198), 2010.

 [67]   J. Milewski, “Advanced model of solid oxide fuel cell,” in Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology Conference, (FuelCell2010-33042), ASME, 2010.

 [68]   J. Milewski, “Advanced mathematical model of SOFC for system optimization,” in ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, (GT2010-22031), ASME, 2010.

 [69]   J. Milewski, “Sofc hybrid system optimization using solid oxidefuel cell advanced modelling,” in Energy, Water, and Global Climate Change as a Regional Agenda of the Americas, PASI, 2010.

 [70]   J. Milewski, “Mathematical model of SOFC for complex fuel compositions,” in International Colloquium on Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation, (ICEPAG2010-3422), 2010.

 [71]   J. Milewski, K. Badyda, and A. Miller, “Tri-generation system based on solid oxide fuel cell module for office buildings,” in International Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition, pp. IHEC2007–0936, 2007.

 [72]   J. Milewski, W. Bujalski, and J. Lewandowski, “Economical analysis of biofuel fuelled hightemperature fuel cells,” in European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications – ”Piero Lunghi Conference”, pp. EFC09–17006, 2009.

 [73]   J. Milewski, B. Deszczyński, and K. Świrski, “Artificial neural network as SOFC model,” in Elsevier, Fuel Cells Science and Technology, 4, p. 1B.2, 2008.

 [74]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “The influence of heat capacity on solid oxide fuel cell dynamic response,” in Fundamentals and Development in Fuel Cells, (Grenoble, France), 2011.

 [75]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “The influence of cell heat capacity on solid oxide fuel cell dynamic response,” in Funamentals and Development in Fuel Cells, pp. 1–9, 2011.

 [76]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Comparative analysis of time constants in solid oxide fuel cell processes – selection of key processes for modeling power system,” in International Conference on Applied Energy, 3rd, pp. 2683–2690, 2011.

 [77]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Solid oxide fuel cell fuelled by biofuels,” ECS Transactions 25, pp. 1031–1040, 2009. 2 PART 2.

 [78]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Solid oxide fuel cell fuelled by biofuels,” in ECS Meeting SOFC-XI, 216, p. 1479, 2009.

 [79]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “High temperature fuel cells fuelled by biofuels,” in ESC Meeting – SOFC XI, The Electrochemical Society, 2009.

 [80]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “High temperature fuel cells fuelled by biofuels,” in European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications – ”Piero Lunghi Conference”, pp. EFC09–17006, 2009.

 [81]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Molten carbonate fuel cell fuelled by biofuels,” in Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition, pp. 2009–19–A–FCS&E, 2009.

 [82]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Molten carbonate fuel cell fuelled by biofuels,” in Fuel Cell Technologies, pp. PR22–27, 2009.

 [83]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “High temperature fuel cells fuelled by biofuels,” in International Workshop On The Effects Of Fuel & Air, EU Joint Researchi Centre, 2009.

 [84]   J. Milewski, J. Lewandowski, and R. Bernat, “Reducing CO2 emissions from a gas turbine power plant by using a molten carbonate fuel cell,” in World Congress on Engineering, III, pp. 1773–1778, 2012.

 [85]   J. Milewski, J. Lewandowski, and A. Miller, “Reducing CO2 emissions from a coal fired power plant by using a molten carbonate fuel cell,” in ASME Turbo EXPO, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2, pp. 389–395, 2008.

 [86]   J. Milewski, J. Lewandowski, and A. Miller, “Reducing CO2 emission from fossil power plants by using a molten carbonate fuel cell,” in 17th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, p. 132, 2008.

 [87]   J. Milewski and A. Miller, “The influence of electrolyte type and thickness on solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system performance,” in Proceedings of the 1st European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference 2005 – Book of Abstracts, Proceedings of the 1st European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference 2005 – Book of Abstracts 2005, p. 247, 2005.

 [88]   J. Milewski and A. Miller, “Thermodynamics of SOFC Hybrid System – parameters selection and optimisation,” in World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, (Sinapore), 2005.

 [89]   J. Milewski and A. Miller, “Mathematical model of SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) for power plant simulations,” in ASME Turbo Expo, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2004 7, pp. 495–501, 2004.

 [90]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, and K. Badyda, “The control strategy for hightemperaturefuel cell hybrid systems,” in World Congress on Electronics and Electrical Engineering, p. 5, (Luxor, Egypt), April 4–8 2010.

 [91]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, A. Dmowski, and P. Biczel, “The control strategy for a solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system,” in ASME Turbo Expo, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 4(GT2009-59050), pp. 13–20, 2009.

 [92]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, A. Dmowski, and P. Biczel, “The control strategy for a solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system,” in International Conference on Control and Automation, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA 2009 , pp. 1635–1640, IEEE, 2009.

 [93]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, and J. Lewandowski, “Comparative analysis of the time constants of the main processes occurring in a solid oxide fuel cell,” in Fuel Cell Seminar, p. 338, (San Antonio, TX, USA), 2010.

 [94]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, and J. Lewandowski, “The reduction of CO2 emission of coal fired power plant by using a molten carbonate fuel cell,” in Tenth Grove Fuel Cell Symposium, p. [P9], 2007.

 [95]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, and E. Mozer, “The application of μ-fan instead of the ejector in tubular SOFC module,” in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 4, pp. 15–21, 2006.

 [96]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, and J. Sałacinski, “Off-design operation of fuel cells gas turbine hybrid system,” in 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery–Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, pp. 699–715, 2007.

 [97]   J. Milewski, M. Santarelli, and K. Świrski, “Modelling of solid oxide fuel cell behaviour by artificial neural network,” in Fundamentals and Development in Fuel Cells, (Grenoble, France), 2008.

 [98]   J. Milewski, J. Sałacinski, and A. Miller, “The reduction of CO2 emission of gas turbine power plant by using a molten carbonate fuel cell,” in ASME Turbo EXPO 2007, (Montreal, Canada), 2007.

 [99]   J. Milewski, . Szabłowski, and J. Kuta, “Internal combustion engine controlled by artificial nerual network,” in International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences, (#ICCES20121220120314247), 2012.

 [100]   J. Milewski, . Szabłowski, and J. Kuta, “Optimal control strategy of NG piston engine as a DG unit obtained by an utilization of Artificial Neural Network,” in International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, (148), p. 102, 2012.

 [101]   J. Milewski, . Szabłowski, and J. Kuta, “ANN-based control strategy for IC engine to operate in DG,” in International Mechanical Engineering Forum, pp. 683–699, (Prague, Czech Republic), June 20th 2012–June 22nd 2012. ISBN 978-80-213-2291-2.

 [102]   J. Milewski, . Szabłowski, and J. Kuta, “Optimal control strategy of NG piston engine as a DG unit obtained by an utilization of artificial neural network,” in Power Engineering and Automation Conference, p. 7, 2012.

 [103]   J. Milewski, . Szabłowski, and J. Kuta, “Optimal control strategy of NG piston engine as a DG unit obtained by an utilization of Artificial Neural Network,” in Sustainable Research and Innovation Conference, 4, pp. 52–58, 2012.

 [104]   J. Milewski, M. Wołowicz, K. Badyda, and Z. Misztal, “30 kW polymer exchange membrane fuel cell as combined heat and power unit,” in Fuel Cell Seminar, Fuel Cell Seminar 2011 , 2011.

 [105]   J. Milewski, M. Wołowicz, K. Futyma, and W. Bujalski, “Reducing CO2 emissions from flue gases using a molten carbonate fuel cell,” in IASTED International Conference Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2012), pp. 131–138, (Napoli, Italy), June 25–27 2012.

 [106]   J. Milewski, M. Wołowicz, and A. Miller, “An alternative model of molten carbonate fuel cell: A proposal,” in EmHyTeC 2012, (P.1-34), pp. 130–132, 2012.

 [107]   J. Milewski and K. Świrski, “Hybrid – artificial neural network as solid oxide fuel cell model,” in Hydrogen + Fuel Cell, 2009.

 [108]   J. Milewski, K. Świrski, P. Leone, and M. Santarelli, “Modelling the influence of fuel composition on SOFC performance by artificial neural network,” in European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications – ”Piero Lunghi Conference”, (EFC09-17007), 2009.

 [109]   A. Miller and J. Milewski, “SOFC-GT hybrid system – turbomachinery problems,” in European Conference on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, M. Sen, G. Bois, M. Manna, and T. Arts, eds., 9 II, pp. 903–910, March 2011.

 [110]   A. Miller and J. Milewski, “The influence of anode parameters on solid oxide fuel cell performances,” in ECS Meeting, 218th, p. 1381, Electrochemical Society, 2010.

 [111]   A. Miller, J. Sałacinski, and J. Milewski, “Off-design analysis of SOFC hybrid system,” in World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, (Singapore), 2005.

 [112]   . Szabłowski, J. Milewski, and J. Kuta, “Optimal control strategy of micro-turbine as a DG unit obtained by an utilization of artificial neural network,” in International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering, 3rd, pp. 259–260, 2012.

 [113]   K. Wojdan, K. Świrski, M. Warchoł, J. Milewski, and A. Miller, “A practical approach to combustion process optimization using an improved immune optimizer,” in Mechanical Engineering Annual Conference on Sustainable Research and Innovation, pp. 101–106, 2011.

Komunikaty konferencyjne (krajowe)

 [114]   J. Milewski and K. Badyda, “Układy trigeneracyjne oparte na ogniwach paliwowych,” in XX Jubileuszowy Zjazd Termodynamików, 2008.

 [115]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Modeling a start-up procedure of a singular solid oxide fuel cell,” in 10th European SOFC Forum 2012 Lucerne, (A1314), p. 10, 2012.

 [116]   J. Milewski and J. Lewandowski, “Zastosowania ogniw paliwowch w energetyce,” in Seminarium PAN, 2009.

 [117]   J. Milewski, J. Lewandowski, and A. Miller, “Possibilities of using a molten carbonate fuel cell for reduction of CO2 emission of gas turbine power plant,” in VIII Problemy Badawcze Energetyki Cieplnej, 2007.

 [118]   J. Milewski and A. Miller, “Fuel cells – perspectives of the utilization,” in IX International Conference of Modern Devices In Power Plant Industry, pp. 3.1–3.7, APSenergia, 2006.

 [119]   J. Milewski and A. Miller, “Analysis of atmospheric solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system,” in 19th National Congress of Thermodynamicists, pp. 263–264, 2005.

 [120]   J. Milewski, A. Miller, and J. Sałacinski, “Mathematical model of tri-generation system based on high temperature fuel cell,” in XLVI Sympozjon Modelowanie w Mechanice, 2007.

 [121]   A. Miller, A. Dmowski, J. Milewski, and P. Biczel, “Struktura i parametry układu hybrydowego z ogniwem paliwowym MCFC – problemy optymalizacji,” in Problemy Badawcze Energetyki Cieplnej, 2007.