CEA Saclay, the French National Laboratory on Nuclear Energy - Internship and PhD topics proposals

Oferta staży i studiów doktoranckich dla studentów drugiego roku studiów na specjalności Nuclear Power Engineering.
These internships and thesis subjects are proposed by the SERMA (DANS/DM2S) researchers to students looking for a Master internship during the 2019-2020 academic year or for a PhD to begin in September or October 2020.
SERMA is a R&D unit of CEA Paris-Saclay as well as a member of the Department of the Physics of the 2 Infinites of the University Paris-Saclay. Past experience shows that it is a good idea to couple an internship and a PhD subject, allowing the student to confirm (or not) his or her wish to engage in a PhD work. If some of the subjects do concern student engaged in dedicated tracks (nuclear reactor physics and engineering, « Génie atomique » at CEA/INSTN, for example), others are open to motivated students from other backgrounds, especially applied maths or computer science. Do not hesitate in contacting the researchers proposing subjects.